Oil + Gas

Oil and gas infrastructure requires active monitoring throughout site lifecycles to ensure maximum operating efficiency and safety. Whether you work in upstream, midstream or downstream aspect of the oil and gas industry- Sper Scientific has the right instruments for you. Refractometers are used to measure the salt content in the brine (salt water). Heat stress and noise meters, you can detect unsafe conditions in the work environment and make proactive decisions for employee safety. Vibration and pressure meters are used to help diagnose problems before expensive repairs occur.
Anemometers | Sper Scientific Direct


Barometers - Sper Scientific Direct


Heat Stress | Sper Scientific Direct

Heat Stress

Indoor Air Quality | Sper Scientific Direct

Indoor Air Quality

Sound Meters | Sper Scientific Direct

Sound Meters

Refractometers | Sper Scientific Direct


Pressure / Manometers | Sper Scientific Direct

Pressure / Manometers

Vibration Meters | Sper Scientific Direct

Vibration Meters